Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Daniel Chapter 3..

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego... is yet another perfect example in the bible of what a "Christian" should be. As I'm sure most of you know, the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego can be found in Daniel chapter 3.

In short, King Nebuchadnezzar has a golden statue built, and he commands everyone to bow down, and worship it. However, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego refuse to turn against God, and worship an Idol. So King Neb says
"Hey if you don't worship the statue... I'm going to throw you all into a burning furnace, then what god will be able to rescue you?" what do Shadrach Meshach and Abednego do? they say "You go right ahead, and you throw us into the fire, because we know our God will save us, and even if he chooses not to, we still would never choose to bow down and worship your Idol." wow..that takes some serious faith right there. It's easy for me to sit here and be like " Oh, I would so totally do that too" however, I'm humble enough to say...I can only hope, and pray that I have that much faith when the time comes. Just think how many "Christians" are to scared now a days to even talk about their faith out loud, how many so called "Christians" would rather walk the line, and tip toe around with their faith as not to offend anyone.

Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego are the examples we should be following. They had true faith, and were willing to die for it. They were not the type of people to pray to God one day, and then the next, put him on the shelf. They didn't need to be shown a miracle before they would believe, they didn't pray
"Oh Lord, save us from this fire" they just said "You know what God, I know your real, and if you want to save us from this fire, then great, and if not, thats cool too" were they saved from the fire? Yes, but do you think it was for their sake? or do you think it was to show King Nebuchadnezzar who the true God was?

There are places in this world, where people who try to worship Jesus Christ are persecuted and killed. Those same people are willing to die for Christ, just as he died for them. Just think, how they're looking over here at us in America, and what do you think, they are thinking? We have the freedom to worship our God, and yet we sometimes are to scared to do it in public? why? because we would be ridiculed? because people may look at us differently? and people wonder why we are considered hypocrites. We act like we deserve Gods mercy and forgiveness, and we act like we are persecuted in this country, but we are far from it. Why should we receive any mercy or forgiveness.... if we won't even stand up for our God? We shouldn't, but the fact of the matter is we do, because God loves us.

Even when we slap him in the face by sinning against him...He loves us
Even when we don't stand up for his name...He loves us

God is: Forgiveness,Love,Mercy and Peace..
we are to be sacrificial lambs, we are to forgive, even when we are not expected to.
Don't be shocked if a time comes where you are going to have to really make a choice in this country.
Don't lose sight of the hope that is in Jesus Christ.
Would you die for what you believe?
are you willing to sacrifice everything for your beliefs? for your Lord and savior?
we will be tested my friends. Lets remember Peter, a man who with his own eyes saw Christ's miracles, with his own hands touched Jesus, walked with Jesus. Remember how this man, a person who we would be lucky in todays world to be even half the man he was. a person who was given the gifts of the holy spirit. How he himself denied Christ, not once, not twice...but three times. 

he said "I will never leave your side Jesus! even if that means death!"

but when the time came, he feared for his own well being, and he denied even knowing Jesus at all. We as "Christians" in todays world have a lot of work to do...a lot of studying, and prayer we need to be doing. For temptation surrounds us more then ever before, and the time is coming.. where we will either stand up for Christ, and be persecuted for it, or we will stand silent and we will be against Christ. You are either with him or you are against him, there is no middle.

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