Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Soldier 4 Christ.. Version 2..

The colors that you show are fading now,
and the Light you had is fading out
Where's the love....
You are suppose to shine
Have you fallen that far down
that this world is all you care about..

I'm not fine, I'm not perfect
but scream your word aloud
It's all I'll swallow down
I'm not love, I'm not hate
But I'll be a sacrifice
a soldier for my Christ.

Words are spoken with venom
it makes you no different,
are you really that far gone.
Another line drawn in the sand,
just where exactly do you stand
when you have no love for your fellow man.

I'm not fine, I'm not perfect
but scream your word aloud
It's all I'll swallow down
I'm not love, I'm not hate
But I'll be a sacrifice
a soldier for my Christ.

Try and open their eyes
with a love from Christ they can't deny,
Stand out from the crowd
open up your mouth
hiding in your safety net
knowing all he washed away
makes you no better, then those you try to save.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama and the Obamacide

Before I start on my rant, just let me state the fact that I am not trying to be disrespectful, and I'm not trying to be hateful. Although I disagree with Mr.Obama and his politics, I do not hate the man. Frankly I don't hate anyone, it's all about love and tolerance, peace and forgiveness. However I won't keep my mouth shut, when it comes to stating what is right and wrong, what is good and evil, the light and darkness. No matter who's toes I may step on, no matter who doesn't like to hear it, I'm going to scream it. I'm not Mr.Political, I don't have all the answers, I don't know how to turn the economy around, I don't have an answer to oil, I don't know how to stop global warming (If you believe in that crap). All I got my friends is Gods word, and common sense. both of which I will follow with all my heart soul mind and strength.

So, today was the day. Mr. Obama is now officially our President. It was a day for celebration for millions, and they sure did celebrate in Washington. Millions gathered around there TV'S to hear the speech, and to see just what he would have to say. His words were solid, and overall the speech was wonderful, I can't argue that. What I can say is, his speech was exactly the same kind of dribble he used to win. A lot of words referring to "us" as a whole, a lot of lovely and "hallmark" words without any substance whatsoever. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't listen to his speech expecting him to tell us just what exactly he is going to "Change". However I just find it strange that you can listen to a guy, and he can talk up a storm and charm people without really saying anything at all. Kind of brings the words from the song "Say your Prayers" by The Wedding(A song I must have listened to 40 times this past week) to mind. "If you love me, then just love me, don't you give me pretty words" I'm sorry folks but i'm all "pretty words" out. I've heard it all, and really, I just want to see, now what are you going to do? I don't need my ears tickled, I don't need to hear the word "Change" 5,000 more times. Let me see Mr. Obama just how serious you are.

I hope God is with him, I hope Mr.Obama is walking the righteous path. I hope, and I pray, that this economy is saved. I pray that we as a country are at peace with the middle east, I pray Israel and Iran,Egypt,Hamas,Lebanon, and russia all be respectful towards each other and just let each other live there lives. However those who are watchful, and those of us who pay attention to the things Barack Obama promised are a little scared right now. His plan for Israel? Well that was for them to go back to the 1967 borders deal. What does that mean? that means Israel gives the Golan heights back to Syria. Does nobody remember why Israel took it away? maybe because Syria was killing innocent school children from there? Then there's the promise of universal health care, and don't think I'm a total moron when it comes to this. Trust me when I tell you I know all about health care, I know how hard it is not to have medicare/medicaid when you have a disability and really need it. BUT Universal health care is not the way to go, it is just common sense, and I'm not going to go into the details of why, because frankly this is even longer then I wanted to write, and I got more to say.

Then you have the war in Iraq and blah blah blah...but the most important issue for me, and it should be for all of you. Is the Freedom of Choice Act. Something he promised would be the first thing he signs when he becomes the President of the United States. What is the Freedom of Choice Act? Well if it was signed, and passed. It would force abortion to be legal NATIONWIDE. If your a faith based hospital, and you say "Well sorry we don't believe in killing innocent children" TO BAD you will be forced along with everyone else to allow it. It will compel taxpayers to fund abortions, don't believe in killing children? to bad you will be helping to do it.

Don't even try to fight me on abortion either. there is nothing you can say, that would even come close to justifying killing an innocent child. Believe me to, I have heard it all.

"Well what about rape victims? should they be forced to have a baby they never wanted??"

Ummm..YES. It is a terrible thing to ever happen, where someone is violated, and then they end up getting pregnant from that horrible and disturbing act. BUT you are trying to tell me that it is ok to kill a innocent child because of that? if you don't want the baby put it up for adoption, but don't destroy human life.

"Well what about a child being born with some kind of disfigurement or some kind of mental problem. Rather then them suffering through life, wouldn't it be better to just not have them be born?"

Are you kidding me? Now you are sounding a lot like Hitler with his "Superior Race Complex". You again want to kill an innocent child, but this time because they are different? It's still a human life that you are just throwing away....YOU are selfishly deciding who lives and who dies. Who the hell are you to decide who lives or dies? and before you say "Well who the hell are you" I'm a nobody, but I would let God decide some-ones Death not a human.

"Well what about a teenager who accidently gets pregnant, or just a mother who can't afford to take care of the child?"

First of all, maybe if we were to teach good morals/ the word of God in schools, just maybe there wouldn't be so many teenage pregnancy. I remember hearing Obama say "I don't want my kids to be punished with a child if they make a mistake." punished? how about teaching your kids " Hey if you decide to have sex, there is a good chance you could get someone/get pregnant, wich is why you should wait until your married" again thats more common sense for you. Seriously if you are not mature enough to take care of a child, you shouldn't be having sex. So to answer the question. You are now saying "Oh, because I'm immature and couldn't control myself, I had a baby, and really I'm to young, and I can't afford to take care of it. So what's wrong with killing it?" AGAIN Killing an innocent child because you are selfish. Seriously what is so hard about adoption ?

Abortion is a big issue for a lot of us. I know people can also argue, it's not really "Alive yet" and they can reverse argue you with. "Well if you don't believe in abortion, then you must also not believe in taking the pill and blah blah blah" I'm not going to get into all that bull. All I know is.... the Freedom of Choice Act is morally wrong.

In closing, I would like to wish Obama, and his family the best. I pray he seeks to do Gods will. Also The above video is from Christian rapper Jesus Disciple, and it's all about Obama and Abortion.....YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE SINGLE FOR FREE HERE

Also go to Freedom of Choice Act for more information on it, and how you can help.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Hypocrisy Debate

You know what I hear all the time that annoys me?
 "If you are a christian you have to live this way...or that can't do this...and you can't do that.." 
I'm so sick and tired of this world and it's hypocrisy that I just have to blog about it. More importantly I'm really sick and tired of the supposed "Christian" telling people how they have to dress or what kind of music they can and cant listen to. I say this all the time, but I'm going to say it again, don't we have enough problems in this world? do we as "christians" really have to fight about stupid and pointless things?

Let me start with this little debate... 
"If you are a Christian you can't listen to rock music/heavy metal because that is the music of the devil" 
seriously? I mean seriously? just because you may not understand something, or just because it doesn't look/sound how your little mind perceives what a "christian" should be, does not at all mean it is wrong. People with that point of view just gives real followers of Christ a bad name. Are we as "Christians" of this world? nope...are we suppose to be different then this world? YES. You see that is the thing that these judgmental "Christians" like to throw in your face. 

"Well, it says in the bible that we are not suppose to be of this world. So why do you listen to that kind of music, music that is just a fad of your generation. How does that make you different from anyone else?"

How does that make me different? It doesn't to be honest, because it's just music. The problem is they themselves don't even understand the meaning of the verse's they throw out.
Lets take Romans 12:2 for example which says...

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will."

That is probably the one that is thrown in peoples face alot. But what does it mean? hmmm..Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world...what is the pattern of this world? OH! I KNOW! that must mean don't conform to the music and the clothing..YES! So now when we see a "christian" who listens to rock music and has tattoos and piercing..we know he is not following Gods will, and he is a sinner, and deserves to burn in hell forever. Are you freakin kidding me? yeah I said with it. You want to know what the pattern of this world really is? the pattern of this world is selfishness, The pattern of this world is anger and hate, The pattern of this world is jealousy, perversion and lust. If our minds are not clear, if we are not putting God before everything, if we are being consumed with worry, doubt and selfishness, then plain and simple we are following the pattern of this world. As a follower of Jesus Christ we are suppose to be different...i am not arguing that at all!

People should be able to look at us and know there is something different, and I don't mean we have to dress different. I'm talking they can feel Gods love coming off from us. As for being transformed by the renewing of our minds, what do you think that means? Once you know God, and you are seeking him...your heart and mind will be changed. You will know the truth, you will feel the love and want to spread it. Instead of your mind being focused on yourself, instead of your mind being focused on worry and stress it will be focused on God and his will(not that you never will worry and stress, it happens, but you get the point). The only way for you to know Gods perfect will, is not by listening to gospel music and dressing in a suit and tie, and if you think it is...then I'm sorry my friend.. you need to do some serious soul searching because you really have no clue. Want to know the way to be transformed? to know Gods perfect will? let me tell you..its real easy...JUST ASK! seek him with all your heart and soul, mind and strength, and by golly he will set you on the right path.

Now don't get me wrong here,let me state the facts. First of all, being of Christ, being a true follower of our Lord and savior in simple terms is a relationship. You have a relationship with Jesus Christ. It's not about some religious man made set of rules, but let me get to the point I'm trying to make. The point is..our relationship with Jesus Christ is not all the same, he loves us all the same, he doesn't love someone else more then another. BUT our relationships with him are different! so what's my point? Well, God could tell you he doesn't want you to listen to that kind of music, or dress in those types of clothes or befriend those kinds of people or marry that you see where I'm going with this? Don't freakin judge what I do or someone else does, it's their relationship with Christ, and it is them who will face God in the end on how they lived THEIR life...not you. Does nobody remember the story of Hosea? God told him to marry Gomer someone who would turn out to be no more then a prostitute, even after she was sleeping with others, God said go and take her back as your wife. Is the story of Hosea about how God says it's ok to go out and marry a prostitute?'s about one man following what God told him, following what was right for him. You see God could be telling YOU it's not right for YOU to listen to that music...or its not right for YOU to dress like that...OR its not right for YOU to have a tattoo. You just have it twisted, and think that means nobody can do those things.. =)

Now I know some of you can throw out other verses, and you can argue all day long about useless dribble, but let me ask you one simple thing. Is that what Jesus did? Would Jesus look at a Christian rock band who screams his name, and are covered in tattoos, and are reaching out to a generation you never could, and say "hmm...even though they are praising my name, those guitars sound evil, and they have tattoos. I'm going to have to condemn them" just think about it, and if you honestly can't get passed that, then I really have nothing further to say to you, because you are not of Christ at all.

You see I believe my God is big, I believe through Jesus Christ all things are possible. I believe that he works in mysterious ways, and I believe that God can speak through wailing guitars and guttural screams. If we are truly following Gods word, if we are seeking him on a daily basis, and putting him first above all things, then God is going to work through us. I don't know about you judgmental "Christians" but God is my rock, my savior, and he is in total control of my life. I know what is right and what is wrong. He speaks to me through his word, and he is that little voice inside that leads my life. I know God and I know me, and we are not going to judge someone by the way they look or by what freakin music they listen to.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite verse.

Luke 5:31
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance."

We should be happy that there are people out there that can reach out to this lost and depressing generation. We should be embracing the lost, and trying to lead them to Christ. Not pointing out every little flaw and condemning them, and being just what this world thinks we are, and that is total hypocrites. Because if you want to pick and choose your tattoo condemning verses like for example..

Leviticus 19:28
"Do not cut your bodies for the dead, or put tattoo marks on yourselves."

Then guess what "Mr./Mrs. holier then thou" you better be dressing like back when the bible was written. Men you better not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip the edges off your beard. Ladies you better not have pierced ears, and you better not wear jeans, and you better be dressed in a burka ...oh wait..thats not suppose to be taken literally right? just the part about the tattoo thing...

It's time to start standing up for Christ, and stop the devision between our brothers and sisters, and for God sakes grow up..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It seems the more things change, the more they remain the same. One can get easily lost in the media reports about Israel and the middle east. A lot of people outside the middle east don't even care about what is going on, or frankly can't understand what is going on. They'll sit in-front of there TV's, and hear about rockets and bombs and people being killed in Israel, Hamas,Iran,Hezzbullah..blah blah all goes in one ear and out the other."Israel has always been in conflict." so who cares right? Wrong. Israel is important on so many different levels, It's home to Gods chosen people, and as crazy as it will be the start of Armageddon.

Yes, you could find daily attacks on israel in the past years. I know you can also find battle after battle. However that doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to what is going on right now. I'm telling you, the time is coming when America is going to have to make a very significant choice on it's ally Israel. I turn on the news right now, and what I see makes me sick. I can find you channel after channel of the media bashing Israel, in there own special way, for the recent attacks in Gaza. Let me point something out here, Gaza was given to the Palestinians in hopes that it would create peace. The Israeli's gave up Gaza, pretty much saying "here take it, we can be peaceful towards eachother" however that didn't work! and I'm telling you, no matter what Israel does....there will never be PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST! They could give up 'The Golan Heights', and half of Jerusalem....still wouldn't make a difference. Want to know why? because Hamas/Hezzbullah/Iran wants Israel GONE they don't want peace with the Jewish people. Like Adolph Hitler they want them destroyed. We know God won't allow that to happen, but still that is there plan.

Now back to the attacks in Gaza. Now as I said Israel gave Gaza up, and ever since they did..Hamas has moved in, and they have built up there military. Hamas doesn't care about civilian casualties, they hide there weapons inside homes and mosque's. They have fired rockets into israel, and kidnapped IDF officers for years now. Well Israel is sick and tired of it, so they have launched an all out attack on Gaza. However, Israel is labeled the "bad guys" by the middle east, and even european countries. The news will flash up the Palestinian casualties, and make Israel look like they attacked for no reason. The fact of the matter is, this is war, and in war there is going to be civilian casualties. Israel is not to blame for Hamas using Palestinians as human shields. The media, and the pressure from European/Middle Eastern countries are going to bring pressure down on the United States to "control there ally". The question is; when everyone is against Israel, will Obama and the leaders of this country be willing to stand up for it?
God I hope so...

Genesis 12
"I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you."