Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lukewarm Christians..


Those that read the following will probably think I'm "angry"

realize my anger means nothing, and I asure you that God is

far more angry then what I appear to be.


Something is drastically wrong with the Christian faith in this country,

and no this is not another rant on church's and the prosperity gospel

(although that is a major flaw also)

There is something wrong when the majority of "christians" are timid

and lukewarm, and I'm beyond sick of it. How can you claim to be

a follower of Christ and yet you want to hold on to the things of this world,

how can you claim to be a follower of Christ and yet you refuse to stand

up for his laws and morals?

He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments,

is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

1 John 2:4

"Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."

Matthew 5:17

Let me get this out of the way before people decide to misquote or

take what I'm saying the wrong way. We've all broken the law, we wouldn't

know what sin is/was without the law, Christ came to be the sacrifice for us, because we are all sinners. What Christ didn't do was come to get rid of the law, We are forgiven only through Christ and are called to repent and surrender realizing there is nothing we can do to deserve Gods grace.

I've covered the fact that we are all sinners several times, this is not the issue, the issue is "christians" have become timid and lukewarm! they refuse

to call a spade a spade, more specifically they refuse to call SIN...sin.

Why? probably because this country is so damn politically correct that essentially that's what "christians" themselves are turning into. God forbid

if you "hurt someone's feelings"...or oh my word "offend someone"

It's either that or "christians" are just to scared to speak up for the word of God because they don't want to be "made fun of" or "looked down upon",

either way they refuse to stand up for GOD!

and what happens anytime someone does stand up for Gods morals and laws?

what happens when a Christian actually calls a spade a spade

the word of God gets thrown right back in their face doesn't it?

with the popular verse EVERYONE seems to know...

(Well they think they know)

"Judge not unless ye be judged"

"Judge not unless ye be judged"

Good ol' Matthew 7:1, which I already covered a couple blogs ago.

People seriously need to read into that verse more or oh, I don't know actually read their bibles. If "Judge not unless ye be judged" means

what the majority thinks it means which is:

"Don't speak out, don't call a sin a sin, have no opinion whatsoever"

Then that would mean you could never distinguish between

what is right and what is wrong,

you could form no kind of judgement or opinion.

You really think that is what Christ was saying?

you think he was saying

"Don't stand up for the word of God"

"Don't you dare say something is wrong that i've told you is wrong"

How come nobody never quotes the whole Matthew 7 verse,

and realize Christ is talking about hypocrites? like the Pharisees who were condemning Christ and His disciples. Those who thought they could work

their way to grace, those who thought they have broken no commandments

or laws, those... as Christ said.. were clean on the outside but unclean on the inside.

Once again as i've said before Christ himself said

"Judge with righteous judgment"(John 7:24)

oh snaps! he just told us not to judge now he's telling us too judge? judge with what? RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT! meaning..don't judge appearance, don't judge out of self-righteousness... don't judge out of what YOU think is right and wrong, JUDGE WITH RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT....

and who is righteous? MIGHTY GOD...LORD ALMIGHTY! following me now? don't judge to make yourself look more righteous then another is essentially what Matthew 7:1 is about, NOT.. don't ever judge..

The lukewarm...the timid...whitewashed tombs of abandonment, all

you who refuse to stand up for GOD and His morals are not of GOD at all!

while the Pharisees of Christ's time thought that they could save themselves and condemned those seeking repentance and forgiveness, YOU completely ignore repentance all together, sure you embrace forgiveness but continue holding on to tolerance and worldliness.

YOU hide behind acceptance,because you fear to offend...

YOU distort the word of God to fit a more worldly image

Selfishness and living for Christ DONT GO TOGETHER! if you are afraid

to stand up for Christ don't expect him to stand up for you, don't

expect Him to even know you... when all is said and done.

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man

will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory,

and in His Father's, and of the holy angels.

Luke 9:26

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord,

nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings

for the gospel according to the power of God,

who has saved us and called us with a holy calling,

not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began

2 Timothy 1:8-9

Standing up for the word of God isn't just about believing in Christ,

isn't just about believing you are saved. It isn't just about defending those facts,

You have to stand up for His laws and morals,

you can't just ignore what is biblical, you can't

pick and choose verses that satisfy your appetite for holiness,

and expect to be pleasing God. Being a "christian" isn't

proven because you believe you are saved, yes you are forgiven...

yes you are saved by grace and not works BUT a change must come,

a change of heart, a change of mind, a total surrender to Christ and his WILL, to stand and live by HIS WORD, ALL OF IT!

I'm sick of seeing the silence amongst those who profess to be Christian

in the issues of abortion and gay marriage, murder and abomination!

Too many hang on to "Oh, were suppose to love! Christ was about love

not judgment!" Yes Christ was about love, but he still called sin a sin!

forgiveness has come through Christ to the homosexual AMEN! but

they still have to accept the forgiveness and repent, they can't

continue to mock God and slap him in the face. What would Christ

do if he was here today? what would he do if he ran into a gay person?

what would he say?

"Right on brother....I love you! and I forgive you, keep it up man!"

ummm no...more like

"I forgive you...I love you! now go and sin no more"

We are called to show love, yes indeed, but called to support and stand for blatant sin? I think not, in fact I KNOW not! as I said before I can love you and disagree with you and your life-style at the same time. IN fact,

love is speaking truth, not lies...if I were to say

"You can keep being gay it doesn't matter, gays can go to heaven too"

that would be a lie, and where is the love in that? oh wait, I just hate gays huh? I mean maybe I shouldn't say anything, just let them continue on their road to hell and keep my mouth shut because thats what Jesus and the disciples would of done, WRONG.

I recently read something about a guy who went to some "gay pride" thing, he says he went there to tell them that Christ loves them, and he hugged them and had signs saying he's "sorry", sorry for christians hating on them.

Sounded great to me, because once again we are not called to hate...

BUT then I read some comments, people started asking him things like..

"love what your doing, but uh...what if the gay person asked you 'Do you think I'm going to hell, doesn't your bible say that?' "

to which he replied..

"Well, I would just like talk to them you know?"

then continued to dance around the question, and like a politician didn't answer the question.

admirable what he did at the gay pride event, I won't argue that. HOWEVER just like all timid and lukewarm Christians he wouldn't make a stand, in his eyes he was there just to show love and he wasn't going to address what the word of God says because he didn't want to "Offend"... which thus means he wasn't showing love at all, he was just telling them what they wanted to hear, which isn't going to help them at all... as far as turning from their sins

and accepting Christ.

Once again...Christ wasn't like that, He didn't hide what was a sin and what wasn't. Christ would go to the sinners, just like we should, but he didn't

go to them and heal them and love on them and then tell them that they

can continue doing their sins.

Lukewarm Christians continue to not only accept such, but they blindly

follow people who preach and teach blasphemy, and it is because they

don't take a stand, it is because they don't read the word of God...

they are blind and do not see the truth. If you seek God first and above all things, and you seek to stand by his word and are not ashamed to stand for it, the Holy spirit will reveal much to you, and you will not be blinded.

Take for example Glenn Beck, oh how I can feel the hate about to come my way. I can hear you now...



...really? stands for mormonism maybe...but truth? no..

But of course let me get this out of the way before his blind followers

get their panties in a bunch. Yes Glenn Beck politically speaking..

stands for a lot of good things, but yet a few key moral issues

he remains silent. I use to watch Beck all the time, I knew he was a

mormon too, and frankly I didn't care(even though mormonism is a blasphemous cult that doesn't worship the one true God) meh..whateva right? anyways..I started wondering why he never talked about abortion issues and when he talked about gay marriage(which was not very often) I could never tell if he was for it or against it, but again I was like

"meh whateva..."

anywho I just kind of stopped watching, mostly because I was just sick of the news in general. Then last week I check my email(I'm still subscribed to Beck's News-Email because I'm lazy like that) and I see I got one of Beck's daily email thingers and the title says "The only way to watch Glenn Beck tonight is...." and the title had me wondering why Glenn wasn't on at his normal time, so I opened the email...which stated and I quote:

"Witness all faiths coming together for a common purpose"

"All FAITHS will unite to deliver messages reminiscent to those given during the struggles of America's earliest days."

and I was rubbed the wrong way right off the bat..Witness all faiths come together? umm..yeah, no thanks. I mean seriously here I was sick of Beck and the news to begin with, and seriously the last person I want to hear about who God is, is from a mormon. So needless to say I ignored it, that is of course until I see over the weekend everyone going "Gaga" over Beck saying "This country needs to be brought back to God"...

I'm seeing all these Christians getting all excited over what Beck said, and I'm thinking...

"Am I the only one that is questioning what god Beck is talking about?"

surely he can't be talking about the only ONE TRUE GOD,

because he doesn't even stand for his morals. I'm not sorry to say...

you can't say "I stand for faith and God" and then say "nothing wrong with gay marriage, just allow church's to say it's wrong"

that's like saying:

"nothing wrong with murder, just allow me to continue

to think it's wrong"

"Nothing wrong with having sex outside of marriage,

just allow me to say it's wrong"

"Nothing wrong with blaspheming against God,

just allow me to say it's wrong"

are you following me? If you follow Christ then FOLLOW CHRIST,

it's not enough to speak about it, you have to BE ABOUT IT. Which thus

means you don't condone something that is wrong, you don't have an attitude of "What's right for you is right for you, and what's right for me is right for me"

Beck has a lot of Christian followers, maybe because he calls himself a Christian, I'm not sure, I've personally never heard him say he is, but it also wouldn't surprise me if he did, because Mormons call themselves Christians. I've heard Beck quote scripture before, I've heard him speak of Christ, and like most mormons you can hear what they say and go "oh yeah...sounds good, thats what I believe" except for the fact that you have to listen to what they DON'T SAY or sometimes even what they do.

You have to look at the tree and see what kind of fruit it is producing,

and what does Beck say a lot of "Faith, Hope, Charity" or something or other, and in reality what religion can argue against that? just listen to the guy speak, and it's all about, even as he puts it, "General faith"...

guess what? Being a follower of Christ isn't about some kind of "general faith"...

and what did Beck say when on O'Reilly

and also over the weekend at the rally?

Beck-"We need to get back to our churches, our synagogues, our mosques,

(as long as it's not telling us to blow things up)."

he also talked about recently being about "General faith" like the founding fathers, but as Alan keys said regarding that, our founding fathers didn't have some ho hum "General faith" that appealed to all "Faiths" they had FAITH IN THE ONE TRUE GOD period.

But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness,

so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached,

or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received,

or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

2 Corinthians 11:3-4

"Beck's Rally" scares the crap out of me, I agree the country

needs to get back to GOD, but what scares the crap out of me is people, "christian people" can't see the lies and the bullcrap.

I wonder, when a one world religion comes if these same people will even recognize it as such.

Time to wake the hell up people, Christ will spew the lukewarm from his mouth!

"So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,

I will vomit you out of My mouth."

Revelations 3:16

I urge you to watch the following video from "Beck's Rally" go to about the 5:33 mark, where Beck starts talking about "Gods chosen people"

and if you find nothing blasphemous there, even in the prayer at the end...

then I don't even know what to say, God bless..i guess..oh wait maybe gods bless?

Stand for Christ, stand for what the word of GOD Says, not what I say...READ THE WORD YOURSELF! Either breathe it, soak it in and love it or be prepared for the wrath of GOD...

"For the Unbelievers who repeatedly try to retain their "Faith in Humanity" I promise you

There will be Violence."- Impending Doom

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