Monday, October 29, 2012

Vote for the lesser of Evils?

What you are about to read will offend,
and will upset your "apple cart".
I will get political while remaining biblical (imagine that)
I will call out falsehood
I will not allow "emotionalism" or "fear" to sway me. 
May the Holy spirit convict, and speak through this blog
and that goes for myself too.

Yes, you will leave him too, 
with your hands on yours heads(in shame).
For Adonai rejects those in whom you trust;
from them you will gain nothing.
Jeremiah 2:37

Good Ol' Jeremiah, my favorite book of the bible. 
The time of Jeremiah and backsliding Israel,
reminds me of western christianity, specifically speaking
it reminds me of America, who considers itself a christian nation but is far from it. a verse that always is in the back of my mind is "They turned their backs to me but not their faces" that's Jeremiah, Jeremiah 2:27 and I think it's found elsewhere in Jeremiah too.

Tell me, have we as a country and culture stood by God and His principles? His commands? are we even seeking to? We've completely snubbed our noses at God, turned our backs to what He commands us to be, and at the same time have our hands out asking for His "blessing". It's abhorrible, we want God on our side but in no way shape or form want to live for Him.

I'm talking about "Christians", those who claim to follow, but have more concern for themselves and their lively hood than they do about God Himself, you know, those who refuse to die to themselves, but still want to claim to be united with Yeshua(Jesus). I'm not calling out unbelievers in America, that's not my job, after all unbelievers are just being what they are suppose to be. I'm calling out those who claim to be of the body of HaMashiach(The Messiah). Thought I'd clarify such before I get into this can of worms..

As we all know In America the elections are coming upon us, It's almost November already, and while some of us have lost hope and have chosen not to even vote, I've noticed an alarming trend amongst those who claim to be followers of Yeshua(Jesus). This trend I am speaking of is "FEAR", now obviously fear is nothing new, it's as old as creation, and political fear or the popular "Vote for the lesser of evils" is as old as politics. My question is, have we even really thought about "Vote for the lesser of evils"? 

(this is where the apple cart upsetting starts)

What do you think God thinks about your choice to "vote for the lesser of evils" do you think He thinks its noble? Let me answer that for you…NO! God looks at evil as…well...EVIL! there is no distinction between "evils", it's like saying you told a "white lie"..God still looks at it as a lie, and it's like saying being a homosexual is wrong and at the same time saying it's ok to heterosexually sleep outside of marriage, to God both are a sin and both are equally wrong.

But wait…wait…wait..this is politics..right? what does God have to do with politics? we are not voting for a rabbi/pastor we are voting for a president..

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who change darkness into light
and light into darkness,
who change bitter into sweet
and sweet into bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

We may not be voting for a rabbi/pastor but the fact of the matter is God isn't for evil(sin) He is abhorrently against it, the bible makes that crystal clear, The Son was crucified because of sin(our sinfulness), not to tolerate sin but to fundamentally ABOLISH IT! To answer the question of what does God have to do with politics? what doesn't He have to do with it? Is He not in control of all things? He's the one who puts people in positions of power, and we as a "free" country our privileged to be able to vote for the leader of the country.

Now some may say, if God's in control and puts people in power, then why even bother voting?

To me that's like saying "God's the one that heals and feeds the poor, why even bother trying to help?"

The fact is I know whoever wins the election will win because God has a purpose and a plan in it(It could very well be to pour out His wrath), but that doesn't mean that I don't get involved and vote for someone who stands by God and His word. My conscious before God will be clean in who I vote for, because I sought to stand by His word and not compromise with evil out of fear of the other party.

Romney is considered the lesser of evils compared to the democrat runner Obama, I suppose I could see how some people could think that…but the truth is there isn't much difference between the two. Asking me to choose between Romney and Obama is like asking me to drink either cyanide or nuclear waste…

Which is why I find it alarming that Christians in this country are supporting Romney, mainly it is out of fear of having another four years of Obama. First of all, like I just said if you honestly look at Romney and Obama they are not that different, second why don't you go read your bible and see what happens when you put FEAR ahead of God. That's the problem with people now adays, they run around with chickens like their heads cut-off basing their whole life on FEAR and not the good kind of FEAR…like the FEAR OF THE LORD, that's the only FEAR you should have. If Christians aka followers of Yeshua(Jesus) in this country actually had a fear of the LORD then they certainly wouldn't be voting for a mormon, and they would also be seeking to stand by Gods commandments, but thats a whole other story. Or maybe come to think of it it's not another story at all, this country is going to get what it deserves for mocking God, for claiming to follow Him but ignoring His commands.

Romney puts on a front that he's pro-life but he's far from it, he's also for homosexual marriage and the very "god" he worships isn't the one true God of Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob. But yet, you'll vote for him because he's not Obama? because he's white and maybe a little less socialistic? What is with Christians who just vote Republican  and think they are doing God's will? they don't do their research…they don't check the fruit…they just vote R and think they are good christian Americans for doing so. I respect someone who chooses not to vote more so then one who just votes for one party because they put the party before the standards of God. Not that my respect means a thing, but seriously when are those who claim to be of  Meshiach(Christ) going to start living like it? When are you going to wake up from your westernized entertainment driven selfish mind-set….and….
DIE TO YOUR SELF!(Matthew 16:24,Mark 8:34, Galatians 2:20)

For my people have committed two evils:
they have abandoned me,
the fountain of living water,
and dug themselves cisterns, broken cisterns,
that can hold no water!
Jeremiah 2:13

Just like Israel at the time, I'm sure you will ask;
"How have we abandoned God?"
We are in a moral decline, God and His word is being mocked by those you support. Murder of babies has become just another "issue" same with gay marriage.
You sacrifice TRUTH for the sake of tolerance, because you think tolerance is love, wake up you have been infiltrated and you don't even realize it! 
You may claim politics is a useless issue, but sitting
back and doing nothing is condoning the evil you are suppose to abhor. You let the world shape your biblical view when it is suppose to be your biblical view shaping your world view! I expect such from those without GOD but if you proclaim to be apart of the body... then where is the biblical shaping!? where is the change?! where is the love for God and His word?! the love of His TORAH!

You want this country to be better, you cry about the economy, and your wealth & prosperity, and you will seek anyone and everything to better that for you, except GOD. Because God has standards, because GOD sent the Son Yeshua(Jesus) to die for sin and make us Holy, not out of pity, but to make us HOLY… but you westernized American Christian just want His death for forgiveness and prosperity! not for Holiness, because your god isn't the GOD of the bible! your god is success and wealth…your god is money…

So you ignore what He abhors, and live contrary to His word making for yourself broken cisterns, like in Jeremiah's time. you live like the whore that Ezekiel 16 talks about and yet... still claim to be on God's side,
you walk on the proverbial fence/line when God says choose a side!

Woe to you who settle for less then God's standards!
Woe to you who don't FEAR the LORD GOD!

God wont be mocked!

 I am voting independent. Tom Hoefling to be exact…I suggest you do your own research, instead of blindly following the media and wolves in sheep's clothing christian leaders.

Oh, and for the record…I don't HATE Obama or Romney, I abhor their policies yes, and the fact that people can't see through the bull, but I understand they don't have GOD so their actions don't surprise me, and all I can do is pray for GOD to open their eyes, before it's to late. God will have His way, His will… it will be done, all I can do is seek to stand by His word.

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