Saturday, June 6, 2020

the Bible > Social Justice Part 2

before the LORD, for he comes,
for he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness,
and the peoples in his faithfulness.

                                                    Psalm 96:13

In times of chaos, in times where your safety and security seem to be challenged, and maybe even your "world view", where do you turn? 

How do we define "safety", "security", how do we determine what is "good"? What is righteousness? as Psalm is declaring... is righteousness what works best for us as a human race? Is righteousness what just makes us feel good about ourselves?

If we answer any of these questions in a humanistic fashion we will end up very disappointed. We are called to a holiness that is defined by GOD, this holiness, isn't humanistic goodness, its beyond that.
"but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”- 1 Peter 1:15-16
It's God's law that shows us what it means to be "good"/"holy", only Gods law can draw a mans heart to repentance, only God working by and through the law can shine a light on the true darkness of our hearts, and only by faith in Christ are we redeemed. Yes, by grace we are saved through faith, and now because of HIS saving, because of Christ sacrifice, death and resurrection, we ourselves are resurrected to new live. The law that we once hated, we love, and by the Holy Spirit we seek to uphold it... 

Where is our sanctification process? are we seeking to be holy? If we determine what holiness is by God and His word, Then shouldn't we be focused on this? After all, how are our hearts changed? If we recognize "Racism" as sin(Which if you hold to the Bible thats a given) how do we defeat racism?
protests? riots? wearing a black life matter t-shirt? or is it with striving to actually live by what God says to, striving to live to the holiness HE demands of His people. I believe a major problem with a lot of the pastors that are embracing a non-biblical viewpoint and latching the church to social justice issues, the major problem with these people is they lack biblical fundamentals, they lack discipline, they lack a striving to live in holiness, they lack a working out of the sanctification process.

Now sure, these pastors will argue that how can we not say something about injustice that is happening to a person of color, standing up for a person of color is not the issue, standing up for those who are being abused and treated unjustly. This is not the issue. The issue is adopting an ideology that doesn't line up biblically. The issue is conforming to a world view that is not biblical, because as I said last BLOG, The Social Justice movement is not about JUSTICE...its an ideology that declares that white people need to feel guilty for  inherent "white privileged", that if you are white you are naturally privileged that you are an oppressor whether you want to believe it or not. That in and of itself is racist, again the social justice movement forces you to have a different world view other than the Bible itself. 

Again, people who hate others for their skin color is something that happens, but it is not something that society as a whole does. If you want to protest the unjust killing of a man, that doesn't make you unchristian, thats all well and good, however it becomes a problem when you as a christian start leading the church to adopt "critical race theory" or tell your white christian assembly they need to feel guilty for being white. You are just being a hypocrite, you are just doing the exact thing you are claiming to be against....
Lets remember that Paul was very Jewish, and definitely had a heart for his people, but his mission was mainly to the gentiles, he wasn't going around saying "Jewish lives matter". Thats because he knew, the sin of partiality...
"My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our LORD Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?"- James 2:1-4

This verse is obviously a partiality between "rich" and "poor" not race, but the fact still remains, partiality is a sin. Its also sinful to be like the world, so why do christians want to adopt a world view that is not based on the Bible? A lot of Christian pastors are standing behind critical race theory and proclaiming its biblical, but I guess I don't remember the verses in the Bible saying "be guilty for being white". 

Besides that, why adopt a worldly ideology that doesn't have the answer to solve the problem. Critical Race Theory can't solve racism, as anyone with a brain would know it only creates racism. Why will I not protest with black lives matter? why will I not donate to NAACP? Why will I not adopt critical race theory? because they are abhorrent! they can't solve the problem of hating someones skin color, you know what does? GOD...and His word, as I said before...we are all ONE RACE, I don't care if you are brown, black, white, yellow... you were created in the image of GOD. By my Christian biblical standard... YOU MATTER.

Pastors who want to act like they are doing people a favor by supporting social justice within the church are being led astray by their emotional whims and not the spirit of GOD. heres an argument I've seen from one pastor;
"I fear some theological conservatives today have become liberals on the issue of racial injustice. They speak vociferously and without hesitation on all kinds of moral issues, except one. On that one issue, the mantra is, “Do not talk about it; just preach the gospel.” I am too conservative for that approach. No matter what labels I am given, I will name the sin and preach the gospel. After all, the Bible tells me so. "- David Prince (read whole article here)
"As an Alabama raised biblical inerrantist and expository preacher who believes in the exclusivity of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I make a strange liberal, socialist, Marxist. I have never been called any of those names when I have preached on the horror of abortion and advocated for abortion being outlawed by a constitutional amendment. Also, none of those names came up when I have preached on the sin of homosexuality and opposed the tragedy of legalizing same-sex marriage."- David Prince (read whole article here)
Mr. Prince totally misses the mark, he can't seem to understand why he would be called a "marxist, socialist or liberal" for standing up for racial issues, but he isn't called those things when he stands up against homosexuality or abortion. His response here shows he is lacking in understanding.

First of all, its not about standing against racism, it's about the ideology you adopt in doing so! when you adopt critical race theory as fact, when you adopt it as your ideology then you are going to be called a marxist, socialist, and or liberal or by me you'll just be called an idiot. 

once again church, go ahead...go down this road of trying to appeal to the world, jump on board with what is popular to the culture... see how far that gets you. instead of preaching on sanctification... go ahead and preach on "social justice" then you can sit back and wonder why your church is eroding from within.

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