Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Galatians 6

Carry each other's burdens,

and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing,

he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions.

Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing

himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load.

Galatians 6:2-5

What simple word describes what a Christian should be?

it's love..is it not? for when Jesus was asked what is the

greatest commandment he replied:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind"

This is the first and greatest commandment.. he said,

and the second is "Love your neighbor as yourself".

Galatians says we should carry each other's burdens,

and in this way we will fulfill the law of Christ.

Obviously carrying someone's burdens,

being there for somebody without expressing Judgement/superiority

is plain and simple..Love.

As you should know, we all fall short of grace..

none of us deserves Gods love,

we didn't deserve to be died for and redeemed.

We only fool ourselves if we think we deserve His love..

We only fool ourselves if we think we deserve to be admired

We only fool ourselves if we think we are better then someone else.

We are only human after all, and any one of us could be

in the same position as the person we are trying to help,

or the same position as the person you look down on and judge.

We are all created equal, nobody is better or worse

or more deserving of Gods love then anyone else.

again..like it says in Galatians..

if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing

he deceives himself. For the fact of the matter is

we are nothing special...Now don't get me wrong

or should I say, don't get Gods message wrong...

God is not saying you should look down on yourself,

or that you shouldn't be proud or happy.

He is not saying you should be filled with self hate.

The message is simple and clear...' Don't

think you're higher above or more deserving then someone else'..

don't think that you're "Gods Gift to the world"

and people should admire and bow at your feet.

Don't think because you know God that you are better...

instead you should be thinking..

'praise God for revealing himself to me'

because he can reveal himself just as easily..

to the person who's lost and destitute..

to the person who's standing right next to you

Galatians 6 continues with 'each one should test his own actions'

don't compare yourselves with others,

but compare yourself with...well...yourself.

Make sure you are being open to hearing Gods message,

don't worry about what he is saying to the person next to you...

worry about what he is saying to you.

God speaks and uses us in different ways,

we just have to be open to let him do so,

to let him do with us as he wants.

Grow in the spirit as God wants us to grow,

focus on your own spiritual growth.

Not focusing on some self created ranking system...

where we say "Well...I'm better then him or her because..

I read my bible more or because I go to church more or

because blah blah freakin blah"

We are better then no-one..

I'm not better then you, you're not better then me

we are created in his image and we should

focus on helping the fallen up, dusting each other off

and getting our focus on HIS Glory...not our own..




To you be the glory forever and ever..

all selfishness and greed I put aside for thee

I live and breathe to be... what you want me to be.

I was crucified with Christ on that day

to no longer suffer in these chains..

No longer to live in flesh and bone

but to surrender to his love forever more..

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