Monday, September 14, 2009

The Story of Stephen

Stephen was the first Disciple of Jesus Christ to die for him,

His story can be found in Acts chapter 7, but I figured I'd go over it with you.

In Acts chapter 6:8-15 we are introduced to a disciple named Stephen,

it's said that he was full of wisdom and the holy spirit, and no

man could stand up in an argument with him. This, of course,

didn't make the Jewish leadership very happy, after all

they don't want to be accused of killing the messiah.

Since none of them could stand up in an argument against Stephen,

they lied and made false accusations against him until Stephen

was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin.

They accused Stephen of speaking blasphemy against God and

Moses, which obviously wasn't true at all. Now the amazing thing is,

or at least it's amazing to me, without any fear, Stephen who is surrounded

by people who want to see him dead...doesn't apologize

for preaching about Christ, He doesn't say "Hey you got it all wrong about me!"

He doesn't beg for mercy, Stephen stands in front of them all and

essentially, in a nut shell, he explains the Old Testament to them.

Obviously these Jewish leaders knew or I should say,

they thought they knew the Old Testament.

Here comes little disciple Stephen to give them a lesson?

Just imagine what they were thinking,

"Who in the hell is this guy? who does he think he is?"

These are high priests, these are Jewish leaders who are well respected,

and have spent their whole lives learning and focusing on Gods word,

and some "common" man is going to come and tell them they got it wrong?

Stephen stood up and he told them not only are they wrong,

but that through-out history their fathers were wrong,

he told them that they may know Gods word but surely they don't follow it,

He called them stiff-necked and asked was there ever a prophet

they did not persecute. Stephen was facing true opposition, he

was facing death, and he wasn't afraid to speak the truth, and yet

if we look at ourselves today, some of us our afraid to speak the truth now,

and why? surely in some country's you would be facing death

to speak about Christ, but in most you wouldn't. We are afraid...why?

because we wouldn't fit in? because they might laugh at us?

because they might look at us different? Stephen and the disciples...

kind of put things in perspective don't they?

The thing is the Jewish people knew Gods word, they knew the law,

however they didn't follow Gods interpretation of it, they followed their own.

Stephen's whole argument was based around that if they did follow

God and his law then they would have listened to the prophets of old,

and they would of followed Jesus Christ, but instead they killed them.

What did Stephen receive for his courage? what did he get for speaking

the truth? he was Stoned to death...

"You have received the law but have not obeyed it."

Acts 7:53

in the foot notes for 7:53 it says:

"The religious are always tempted to devise ways to satisfy God and then to

take pride in meeting the standards we set. Following God in truth means

one thing: following Jesus to the cross in humility"

I take that to mean, well what it means, the Jewish order in the book of acts,

focused on their man made rules/laws and they tried to do works

to please God. Doesn't sound to far off from a lot of people today...

In fact it doesn't sound to far off from a lot of Christians.

The simple fact of the matter is religion has become so convoluted..

by who? by the people in the religion..somewhere along the way...

it's become more about doing this or doing that...trying to please God

by these man made rules that we ourselves have created.

You see as it says in the foot notes we devise ways to satisfy God,

and then we take pride in meeting those standards that we ourselves

have set. I've done it countless times in different areas of my life..

"I've got to read this many chapters in the bible"

"I've got to pray this way or that way"

"I've got to do this or that to please God"

essentially making God a chore and something I have to work for,

when the fact of the matter is God made you...he already knows

what you will do and what you wont, he wants your trust and love..

and he doesn't look down on you and say

"What can you do for me"..

"Hmm you didn't read your bible I think I'll ignore your prayers"

or whatever crazy things that come into your head.

Of course he should be put first above all things, and of course

we should seek after him with all our heart,soul,mind and strength..

but thinking you have to do this or that to receive his love or "blessing"

is foolish because the fact is you already have His love.

Plain and simple... we shouldn't be seeking God, reading his word, praying

and worshipping Him,because we think we have to, but we should be doing

those things because we want to. Don't make God just some daily routine..

he would much rather you sit there and do nothing and ask for his will..

then to say

"I've got to read this then pray this way then sing this,

then do this little dance, then this then that."

May Gods will overflow through you...

and His words be known to you.

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