Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lord SAVE us from your Followers..

What is Love?

Far to many have there own opinion on what Love is,

more specifically what God says Love is..

What am I talking about?

I watched "Lord Save us from your Followers"

it's a documentary about Christians and why

we are hated and how judgmental we come off

to non-believers

I've watched it twice, and after watching it

the first time I was thinking, well I can understand

what he is saying, and as Christians we should be

about love. At the same time though

it confused me, it seemed to embrace the non-


Don't get me wrong, I understand Jesus hung around

the downcast...the sinners...the non believers,

prostitutes,the sick, the thief, the lovers of "the world"

there's no denying that whatsoever.

The movie however seems to come across as if

we are just suppose to "Shut up" as Christians

about what the bible says and just embrace

the sinner(and yes I know we all are sinners)

We are suppose to just Love? show kindness,

don't say anything about what the bible says,

and just embrace gays?

Again, I'm all for showing love and not hate,

but isn't love about being honest and truthful?

we don't have to be hateful...we don't have to spew hate

out of our mouth, I'm not saying that at all...

but we should be honest and truthful.

I'm not sorry at all to state that Jesus is the way the truth

and the life and NOBODY gets to the father except through HIM!

I'm not ASHAMED of the Gospel of Christ,

and I don't care if the world hates me for it,

by the way thats another thing...

The world is going to hate us(The followers of Christ)

Jesus said it himself!

"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before [it hated] you.

If you were of the world, the world would love its own.

Yet because you are not of the world,

but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

Remember the word that I said to you,

'A servant is not greater than his master.'

If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.

If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake,

because they do not know Him who sent Me.

If I had not come and spoken to them,

they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.

He who hates Me hates My Father also.

John 15:18-23

It doesn't matter what you do, the world is going to hate you,

if you are a true follower of Christ, the fact is you will offend

even when you are not trying to offend.

This movie "Lord safe us from your followers"

try's to somehow find common ground,

it tries to find the reason Christians are hated,

when the fact is... the world hates Jesus, so the

world will hate us.

Now don't get me wrong, I know there are plenty

of Christian hypocrites, and Christians who point their

fingers at anything and everything, Christians who sit

in their little church's and condemn everyone who

doesn't go to their church or don't dress like them

and blah blah blah.."Legalistic" comes to mind..

I myself lean more towards not being "religious"

not being "legalistic" "non denominational"..

if you believe in Jesus Christ that he is

Lord and savior redeemer who died for our sins

and rose again, that he is returning a second time

and that there is only one GOD...Jesus and the holy spirit

as one...then we shouldn't have a problem.

If I believe in Jesus and you believe in Jesus(sorry mormons

you don't count)

then what are we arguing about? stop being so

freakin legalistic..

However now I'm getting off subject somewhat.

The point I'm trying to make is this,

"Lord save us from your followers"

I totally have no problem with the title, in fact

I looked at that and thought "Right on.."

but the movie itself is flawed, or maybe I should say

could be flawed depending on how you take it.

For we are called to be Christ-like for sure...

and we are called to LOVE..

Love suffers long [and] is kind;

love does not envy; love does not parade itself,

is not puffed up;

does not behave rudely,

does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

bears all things, believes all things,

hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love rejoices in Truth? and what is truth?

what I think? no... Truth is in the word of God,

do I rejoice in someone elses faults?

do I rejoice that gay people are going to hell?

No..absolutely not

Do I think it's ok to laugh and make fun of gay people?

Do I think it's ok to attack them and yell at them and

curse them.. no not at all, I feel guilty for

making fun of them with gay jokes and what not,

and I can totally understand him apologizing

to the gay people like he did in the movie.

However, the fact still remains that they are

slapping God in the face, the fact still remains

that they will go to hell if they continue

living like they do, and it's not because I said so...

it's because GOD SAID SO! I feel sorry for them..

I want them to know the TRUTH, and I would remain honest

about what God says. That my friends would be TRUE LOVE,

because I don't want to see them burn! that should always

be the reason for speaking out, not because you want to be

right or because you want to force your opinion on someone,

you should speak up for Gods word out of LOVE, because you

want that person to be overwhelmed with Christ, and

to realize there is so much more to this life,

then what we see with our eyes.

How is it love to embrace their sin to tolerate it as if God would?

how is it love to ignore the fact that they can't

have a relationship with God if they don't

ask for forgiveness of their sin and turn from their sins?

TELL ME, How is it love not to warn them?

I'm not saying to shun away from them...I'm not saying

to hate them, I'm not saying don't help them...

but you must stand by the word of GOD...

You must stand for what's RIGHT and what's WRONG..

or what is the point of calling yourself a Christian?

If you won't stand up for Christ, don't expect

him to stand up for you when you are in the judgment seat.

You can't be afraid of telling the truth,

you can't be afraid of standing up for Christ.

You can't keep your mouth shut in hopes that the world

wont hate you, that's not of Christ at all!

Did Jesus hang around sinners? once again YES he did!

what did he say to the adulterous woman?

Did he help her? did he condemn her?

Jesus saved her from being stoned but at the same time

he said "Go and SIN NO MORE!"

SIN NO MORE! did he say it's ok that you did what you did,

I still love you and you may go and continue what you are

doing? NO! he essentially said

"Listen...I love you, and I forgive you for what you have done,

now go and turn from your ways"

From my perspective, to be honest, I can appreciate

the movie. There is a lot to like about the movie

and the overall premise of it... is pretty much right on,

all I'm saying is I think people can become confused.

I want to make it perfectly clear also, that I'm not

for going up to gays or anyone else for that matter and

just out of nowhere be like "Your a sinner and your going to hell"

or "God hates fags"..because we are called to show LOVE.

I absolutely think we should be there

for someone who hates us and Christ,

that we should be kind and speak up for those that

are kicked around. The thing is I can love you,

and disagree with your life style at the same time,

and again I'm not talking about keeping quiet about what's

right and wrong. Because if a gay person were to ask me

"what do I think about my life style" or "Am I going to hell"

guess what? I'm going to tell them exactly what God and the bible


Am I going to say "Gay marriage" is right? no..its wrong..

Am I going to say abortion is right?''s wrong..

I'll stand by that till I stop breathing. BUT am I

going to look down on someone who is gay or someone

who had an abortion and say "I'm better then you"

absolutely not...sin is sin either way you look at it,

and again we all are nothing but wretched people...

and I'm going to stand for what's right but I won't

condemn you, I refuse to hate you..

and just like Christ, i'll protect you

from the mud slinging and judgmental rock throwing

and the abuse and the hate and I'll tell you

you are walking into a place of self indulgence

into shame guilt and unhappiness. Overall though

I'll just show love, not because I want something from you,

not because I'm afraid of confrontation, but because I'm

called to be like Christ...who told it like it is and didn't

dance around the truth but at the same time he LOVED.

As long as you take "Save us from your followers" the right way,

and not the wrong way in the sense that it means "We

keep our mouths shut" then I think it's a pretty good movie,

and worth a watch.

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