Sunday, June 6, 2010

Open Arms

About a month or two ago I read a letter from Open Arms.
Open Arms is a place in North Idaho that helps
women who are pregnant and looking for help.
They also help those who may be experiencing post abortion stress.

Open Arms offers counseling for women with unplanned pregnancy,
along with an ultrasound and pregnancy tests among other things
all free of charge. You can go to for more information
or email

Anyways I was reading a letter from them, and in it they talked about
a young woman who was so tormented by the abortion she went
through with 2 years ago that she believed God could never forgive her.
She believed all this depression and sadness she was carrying
she deserved and that God was punishing her for what she has done.
This young woman was dealing with this all on her own, and didn't
want anyone else to know this terrible secret she was hiding.
Open Arms counseled with her and obviously tried to speak
truth to her but fear she did not hear them.

This isn't just one random woman dealing with this kind of depression.
The truth is, there are a lot of woman who have had abortions who
down the road regret their decision and struggle with guilt and
depression. Which obviously... could lead down a road of
alcohol abuse or drugs or anything to take
away the pain/depression they are feeling.

I mean what do you even say to someone struggling with post abortion?
What would you say to that young woman who believes God could
never forgive her? Somehow I don't think "Aw..of course he forgives you"
and a pat on the back is going to help.

I mean this woman is in a state of mind where the enemy
has her seeing nothing but pain and suffering.
All the excuses to abort have come turning around against her
and now haunt her. The enemy will just keep whispering
lie after lie because she is in a place of self hate, and thinks she deserves
this punishment of herself and more because of her past

That little voice inside telling her it was wrong to abort,
her "conscious" is her spirit crying out for forgiveness, realizing
her faults and wanting to pay the price for said faults.(even though
someone already has for her)
The problem is in her vulnerability and distress the enemy
came running in and has become the only voice she can hear.
He'll take that kernel of truth that she has done wrong and turn
it against her until she becomes so lost in her distress she'll
believe not even God could forgive or love her.
It's a big step to realize what you have done is wrong,
and she is at the point where she knows it and it is killing her.
She can not carry the burden on her own and
will not find peace until she gives it to God.

This is why we are called to love...God can use us and places
like Open Arms to help unload each-others burdens and give them
to God. We can not physically save anyone...only Jesus Christ saves,
but we can be there with "Open Arms" to help those who need it.
TO love on those who don't even love or respect themselves...

I ask for your prayers for women who are in a situation like this,
I ask you to pray for Open Arms and to pray if God wants you
to help in any way that you can.

If you are looking for some help/prayer support
hit me up at and I'll
do whatever I can.

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