Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution

So when the clock strikes midnight tonight, it is official, we are in 2009. I don't know about you, but I seriously don't know where the year went. New Years Eve seems to be the only time we sit back and reflect, we look back, and at the same time forward to a new start. I truly hope we all take the time to look back, and get ready because 2009 is going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride.

While many people are making there New Years Resolutions, the typical "I'm going to eat right in 09" or "I'm going to lose 10 pounds"...I pray we dive a bit deeper then that. I pray we really take the time, and we look at all that happened in 08. That we take the time to set others above ourselves. Times are hard right now for everyone, and they are not going to get any better because the digits change. Although we are in a time of struggle with our economy around the world, and we are coming upon a time where "CHANGE" is promised. I just pray we use this time to look back, and see Gods hands in motion, to see what he has orchestrated in our individual lives. A lot of us may have had a devastating year, and understandably...we can't see the work God has done. Believe me, God is with us all, and maybe we can't see it now, and we can't see just what he is setting in motion...but one day we will. With each passing second we are closer to our saviors return, and that is what is important, that is what should give us happiness, and hope.

Lets also remember, just what really gives us hope. That no matter what we have done, no matter how many times we have screwed up. We have already been forgiven. If I were to sit here, and list how many times I have screwed up in 08, I'd probably need a new keyboard because the keys would wear out.

O you who hear prayer,
to you all men will come.
When we were overwhelmed by sins,
you forgave our transgressions.
Psalms 65:2-3

If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?
but with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.
Psalms 130:3-4

Who could stand? Praise be to our Lord and savior. I know I'd be flat on the ground not able to stand at all. This should give us hope, this is what should make us shout for joy! This is what should make us strive to be that better person, to be what Christ was for all of us. Don't stand there, and hold grudges against others, against your brothers and sisters in Christ. For if we don't forgive, why should we be forgiven? The economy can go so far down the drain, that here in the states our money is worth ZERO and we are fighting... just for food and water, but guess what? all we need is Jesus Christ, that is all you and me really need. People need to wake up, and look around the world. Look at third world countries who have been starving, and fighting for food and water long before you were even born. Look at places in the world, where there are true Christians who are being persecuted. Places where you can't even have the word of God unless you would like a bullet through your head. If they were able to see just how good we have it, they would probably be disgusted. the eve of a new year, let us remember what is important.

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