Tuesday, May 12, 2009

†..So Help Me God..†

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.
                               Psalms 42:5

A good question to ones self...is it not?
When every thing around us seems to be breaking down..
It's easy to focus on that negative thats happening,
seriously how many of us, when something terrible happens
say: "Why so down? I must put my hope in God"
It's easier said then done.
However take the time to think about that verse,
because if we have Jesus on our side, and
obviously we do, he did die for us after all,
then what can harm us? what trouble that comes our way..
can we not rise above?
The answer to that is none,
there is no trouble or situation that we can not
look to God as our guiding light and know he has
our best interest at heart.
Again it's easier said then done,
and I'm sure most of you are saying..

"Dude...if you were in my situation, you just have no Idea.."

and you're right, I don't..
but I promise you God does,
I promise you there is a God and he loves you,
and any bad situation you are going through...
there is a reason for it, wether you understand it or not.
You could be lying in a hospital bed right now,
You could be sleeping on the streets...
abused...defeated and lost..
As crazy as it sounds, God doesn't give you anything
you can't handle, He won't let you be put into
a position where you can't come out on top.
It will take work on your part of course,
It will take your faith and trust that he has a plan
It will take you to know that whatever happens...happens..
God is in control...

No Temptation has seized you except what is common to
man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be
tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, He will also provide a way
out so that you can stand up under it.
                                                   1 Corinthians 10:13

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?
No pain...no gain?
A perfect saying for what I'm trying to say.
If we believe physically what doesn't kill us makes us stronger..
(no pain no gain)
how come we don't think like that with our faith?
Now I think you see where I'm going with this,
however before you rush into it..let me explain something..
I don't believe God, and let me steal a quote from Bruce Almighty

"God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass."

meaning, I don't believe God gets his jollies..
by punishing his creation,
I don't believe he sits up in Heaven saying

"You will obey ME!" 
[insert test here]
"Oh...you failed...you burn in Hell!"

I believe God may allow for some difficult things to happen,
or step aside and let something happen,
and most of the time I believe it is to wake you up.
For he is a jealous God, and he wants your focus on him..period.

So back to the question of...
why don't we apply:
"What doesn't kill us.. makes us stronger" to our faith?
whatever we go through,
whatever little things that happen,
 and we look back and we say
"God...I should of handled that better"
it's something we learned, it's something to
file in the old memory bank and remember
to simply learn from our mistakes.
For it will make us strong the next time around,
so we don't keep doing the same mistake over, and over again.
This all falls inline with us thinking positive,
Not just thinking but BEING positive..
How can we not be positive when we have God on our side?
If he is in control, and all things happen for a reason..
shouldn't we just let go?
just give glory to him, and surrender? 
Put your trust in God, for he can carry the burdens that surround you...
I know it's hard, and nobody is perfect...
It's hard when things don't go your way...
I'm saying this to give you hope, to give you faith..
to know God will protect you.

I use to think my negative thinking was a positive
in a sick twisted sort of way, I would say:

"If I expect something bad to happen..
I wont be disappointed when it does"

the flip side to that is if something good does happen
I would always find the negative to point out.
 Who wants to hang around a "Debby Downer"
I mean seriously, and the point I'm trying to make is this...
If you expect bad to happen, then guess what?
 It's going to happen, thats just the way it is.
Do you think God wants you to be a negative & bitter person?
No...he wants you to be happy! He wants you to enjoy life,
he wants to lift every burden from you, there is no need to worry.
So the next time you are going through trials and hard times..
I say to you rejoice.....WHAT? yes thats right..rejoice!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever
you face trials of many kinds, because
you know that the testing of your faith
develops perseverance. Perseverance must
finish its work so that you may be mature
and complete, not lacking anything. If
any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God,
who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to him. But when he asks,
he must believe and not doubt, because he
who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not
think he will receive anything from the Lord;
He is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
                                                       James 1:2-8

God gives generously without finding fault...
that is a powerful line in its self,
I don't know about you, but I'm constantly thanking God for his glory,
because I sure the hell know I don't deserve it one bit.
God,through his word, is telling us to relax
calm down, and just turn to him when trials come...
don't just go

"Why God...Why...take this away please"
but you really don't believe he will take it away,
In your eyes your just going to God as a last resort
thinking "Hey, maybe he will take it away who knows?"
rather you should know he is there for you & say something like:

"Why God...Why...I don't understand, help me understand...
I know through you all things are possible,
and I know that you will help me through this and you will provide
for my needs."

notice how I still started with "Why..God..Why" for there is nothing wrong
with asking God a question, but at the same time
you should glorify him, and acknowledge through him all things are possible,
and he will save you from every stress every worry..every 
pain every addiction anything and everything, and he wants to bless you.
All you have to do is just ASK...

Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find: knock and the door
will be opened to you. For everyone who asks
receives; he who seeks finds; and to him
who knocks the door will be opened.
                                           Matthew 7:7

Break down your walls, maybe you know of God..
and maybe you read the word, and right now you are struggling..
Let me asure you that God is listening...
you don't have to pray a certain way...
you don't have to say fifteen hail maries,
God just wants you to ask,
and when you ask...to believe he can help...
to know that through him you are washed clean
and protected, and nothing can touch you..
you are his and you are not alone.
let him break down those walls of guilt,
let him come in and worry for you..
(although he doesn't worry, but you get the point)
just....LET GO..

You sit beside me
And I love you
But I hate you
I don't want to feel this way
But I can't stop
You reach for my hand
But I move it
Before you can
I won't let you have the
Power once again

**So help me, God
To let this go
To let this go
So help me, God
(Become what I believe)
To break this hold
(I'm afraid to leave)
To find myself
(I just need to breathe)**

You think you know me
But you changed me
Into somebody
That I don't ever want to be again
I'm letting go now
Of this burden
I've been holding
I've been hurting myself now for way too long

It's not too late
It's not too late
To leave it all behind
It's not too late
It's not too late

"So Help Me God"

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