Sunday, November 1, 2009


Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he


Galatians 6:7

Every time I think about that, I wonder what is he waiting for?

I know God won't be mocked, just read your bibles,

and you will see what happens to those who mock God.

When I read the old Testament and the Israelites

who constantly turn their backs on God,

when I remember things like Sodom and Gomorrah,

I find myself thinking a couple of things.

One; How are we as a country as a world

much different then Sodom and Gomorrah.

Two; almost everything about our society

is a slap in the face of God, so can it be

much longer before punishment is brought down?

In reality this has been building for quite some time..

slowly but surely God and his morals are being pushed

aside... It just seems we are doing it at a more rapid pace

now adays. I mean why are we in this downward spiral?

what happened? When did Gods love not become enough?

When did his love lack amazement? Seriously..

has nobody thought how insane it is not to be amazed

even shocked... that God loves us?

that the creator of the universe and everything in it

loves us? wants a relationship with us?

I mean what are we really?..has it somehow

become institutionalized in us that we deserve his love?

We have no authority, no special qualities...

We were created by his hands, not ours...

So how can we ever think we deserve anything from him?

Yes I know, we have free- will,

I mean God doesn't want a bunch of puppets running around,

He created us and gave us the ability to acknowledge him or not to.

I'm just going on a rant here, because it just seems completely

insane in my eyes how far we have fallen.

How can we not, and when I say we, you better believe

I'm including myself, How can we not be amazed

at every second of every hour with


Yet look at the world around us

everything is about the individual.

It's not about God, if anything

it's about being/doing the complete opposite

of what God would want.

His love just doesn't seem

to mean anything to us anymore...

I guess instead of relying on Him,

trusting in Him, and having Full Assurance In The Heart

in Him..

I guess instead of that, it's better to

just focus on ourselves and what we want.

It seems we traded in FAITH for FEAR

You see instead of KNOWING God will supply our needs...

instead of KNOWING God will never forsake us

instead of KNOWING everything happens for a reason

Instead of KNOWING FAITH can move mountains

We've become a world of selfishness and greed,

looking out for ourselves and we choose to believe,

we DON'T KNOW what will happen

we DON'T KNOW if God is real

we DON'T KNOW if this is all there is

we are a nation obsessed with

fear. Sure we don't know what

will happen, and sure we don't know why

this or that thing happened...

but if we have faith in God, and we know

all things happen for a reason, and

we know he will never forsake us...

essentially we know the outcome.

We know that God has a plan,

and everything works out for the best, so there is

no room for fear. If we give everything to the Lord our

God and just say

"He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes"

1 Samuel 3:18

If we just trust in him, then what is there to worry about?

there is no what if this happens...

what if that happens...

it's all apart

of Gods plan. Who, after all, are we to judge

what is right and what is wrong?

It's easy to run around like a chicken with its head cut off,

to worry and stress over things.

The fact is the world wants you to be in fear,

the world wants to fill you with so much fear

that you ignore Gods voice, that you ignore him completely.

The media is always going to hype you full of fear...

worry about the economy...

worry about war...

worry about safety

worry about disease and sickness

worry about what stupid things

this idiotic president or that idiotic

president is doing.

Once again, don't get it twisted..I'm not saying don't be informed,

I'm not saying be oblivious to what is going on,

I'm just saying don't let it blind you,

don't let it affect what is really important

and thats your walk with God.

Don't buy into FEAR...

Buy into FAITH

have Full Assurance In The Heart

that God has a plan, and that

everything happens for a reason.....

This country/world may indeed be going down the toilet

and I'm not going to argue that.

I just have faith that God will protect

his people if indeed a fall-out does come soon,

and if(when) it does, can you honestly say we don't deserve it?

God will not be mocked...

God will not be thrown aside

and you can only ignore his

laws and morals for so long

before judgement is brought down.

You far

from who you really are

you smile... and say

you're free

while my name

is turned to obscene..

morals and laws

turned upside down

how long before

you turn this all around?

I'm speaking

you're not listening now..

Close your eyes

it's not gunna be so long...

Close your eyes

It's not gunna be so long..

my vengeance, my fury

there is no need to worry

I'm returning

to bring salvation

to those who are waiting for me

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