Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What is Love

Before we can even try to comprehend Gods love

obviously we first have to understand what love is.

The simple fact'll never understand 

Jesus Christ and his word if you have

a messed up view of what love is.

I know some peoples view of love, and what it is,

is messed up for one reason or another.

Thankfully there is plenty of places in the bible

that explain what love is..

I think the best example of that would be 1 Corinthians..

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not

envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,

it is not easily angered, it keeps no record

of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil

but rejoices with the truth. it always protects,

always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails...

                       1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is sacrifice of yourself,

putting yourself above other people.

It's you willing to take another's burden...

Love isn't about what someone can do for you,

it is about wanting to do something for someone else

for nothing in return. Love is obviously

the refusal to hate, and it is easy

for us as individuals to Love those who Love us...

however as Jesus said in Luke...

we are suppose to go beyond that.

"But I tell... you who hear me: Love

your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

bless those who curse you, pray

for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you

on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone

takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.

Give to everyone who asks you,

do not demand it back. Do to others

as you would have them do to you.

If you love those who love you..

what credit is that to you? even

'sinners' love those who love them."

                                       Luke 6:27-32

Most of us have heard the term

"turn the other cheek"

but how many of us actually do it?

How many "Christians" actually show the love

they are suppose to show.

Remember Love is patience..I think that is a very strong keyword

did Corinthians say Love is patience UNLESS..

No it just simply states "Love is patience"

and we should show that patience to everyone,

even to the guy driving freakin 65 mph when it's 70 mph

or the girl on her cell phone who doesn't notice the light has been green

for a good 3 seconds. Can you tell I'm a bit

of an impatient driver? and no I'm not saying

it's wrong to honk your horn or to not pass by

someone who is driving to slow or whatever,

I'm just giving examples of times we could maybe be a little patient.

Don't be so quick to react is what I'm saying..

think before you do things, don't be so quick to tear someone apart

or to throw a fit because you have to wait longer then expected.

We as followers of Christ are suppose to be that good example right?

 Well if we act like everyone else,

meaning we are impatient,stubborn, quick to judge and complain,

quick to get in somebody's face, and only love those who love us...

how exactly are we showing the love of Christ?

How exactly are we being any different from everyone else?

I think a lot of "Christians" and people in general

have just become lovers of themselves and people like them,

if someone has a difference of opinion or dresses different

oh how quick we are to judge. You tell me

if those church's of religion are following Corinthians example of Love..

when they point fingers at people with tatts/piercings or 

at people who don't follow their Church manifesto.

Love isn't a rule book, Love doesn't look down on others..

Love is exceptance. God showed us his love for us

through Jesus Christ, 

and look at the patience he had not only for

those he came across, but for his disciples..

look at how many times through the New Testament Christ

had to explain the same things over again to them.

He had to explain pretty much every parable to them,

he had to hold them by the hand and lead them through the word..

showing them He was the messiah that was to come,

that he was the Christ.

Did Jesus say "AHH! guys are complete idiots work with me here!"

No... when asked to explain a parable  in matthew 15:16 he said

"Do you still not understand?"


"Are you still so ignorant?"

"Are you still lacking in understanding?"

"Are you still so dull"

I mean look how many miracles Jesus did..

and yet when trouble would come

or they needed to feed thousands, they seemed to forget

what happened the last time.

If you want to know what Love is...

simply put

Love is Jesus Christ...what he did for every single one of us..

giving his life for us because he Loves us..

not because he had to do it or because

he would get something in return

Just because he loves us!

and did he curse the people who nailed him to the cross?

 NO! he asked god to forgive them...

think about that! If Jesus while being nailed to a cross

can forgive the people causing him so much pain,

and spitting on him, and cursing at him...

can't we forgive, and still love those who may throw an insult or two?

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