Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Battlefield

We as human beings are on a battlefield,
it is a battle for our souls, a battle for our mind.
Christian or not, It doesn't matter what you are.
Doesn't matter if you know it or not, there is a war inside you, going on.
We all have our own personal "hurtles" to overcome..
our own mountains to climb, and demons to fight.
It is a struggle that can overwhelm any of us,
and it's easy to just surrender to your flesh/sins,
to just fall down, and stay there.
It doesn't get easier with time,
and it sure the hell doesn't become any easier to resist
just because you know the truth, that is the mercy,sacrifice,
Love and forgiveness that is Jesus Christ.
I know there are some people who think;

"Once I accept Jesus in my heart, I'm good to go,
things will be so much easier. I'll never sin, I'll never worry"

Technically thats true, of course except for the never sinning part.
We should never worry, after all
what do we have to fear? We don't have to fear the world,
We don't have to fear these struggling economic times.
for we know the truth, we know the maker of all things is on our side.
However, you will worry, things happen..and we all have
our little pity parties once in awhile.
You may accept Jesus in your heart,
but if you are not honoring him,
if you make no effort to change your ways,
then tell me, how are you any different then anyone else?
You're suppose to have a relationship with Jesus Christ,
and if we want to look at it like that,
then if we pay no attention to him, if we don't "work on our relationship"
then Christ is just going to say
"ok, you want to do everything yourself? You don't want my help?
you don't want my guidance? then your on your own"

So fact number one:
Things don't get easier because you believe in God,
as far as sinning, and the battle for your mind and soul go.
Paul said:

We know that the law is holy. But I am not.
I have been sold to be a slave of sin.
I don't understand what I do.
I don't do what I want to do. Instead, I do what I hate to do.
I do what I don't want to do
Romans 7:14

The battle for control doesn't end,
and we will always screw up.
Our personal demons will always be in the back of our minds,
and we will be tempted,
even Jesus was tempted. He of course never failed,
we however will.
Jesus said in matthew..

When an evil spirit comes out of a man,
it goes through arid places seeking rest
and does not find it. Then it says, "I will return
to the house I left." When it arrives,
it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean
and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it
seven other spirits more wicked then itself,
and they go in and live there. And the final
condition of that man is worse then the first.

Matthew 12:43-45

My view of that is we can never relax,
we can never be satisfied that we just know of God.
We have to study, we have to worship to set him above all.
We will always fail, if we think we can fight off our personal
demons ourselves. We need God, because without him we are nothing.
Nothing I do is worth a thing, I'm just a total wreck,
I'm a screw up and a failure. However through Jesus Christ,
I have been reborn into something useful.
If I, or anyone for that matter, Could follow the law
(the old testament laws) then Jesus dying on the cross was pointless.
I cannot save myself, I cannot free myself from sin.
Jesus Christ did that for me and you.
I go walking into this relationship with Christ
baggage and all, I know full well there is nothing I can do..
to make him love me anymore then he does.
I know, I will never deserve his grace and forgiveness,
I know I deserve hell.

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