Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Serve sin and die or serve Christ and live forever

It's really as simple as the title suggests.
I always get this feeling from non-christians,
or maybe I should just say non-believers...
that believing in God means you're simple minded.
That it's just so easy, to believe in God,
and it's just so easy, to be a true believer.
Now, is it easy for me to believe in God?
Yes, in fact, I really can't understand how somebody could not.
Sure, I can remember back to the time I didn't believe,
but thats a long story for another time.
The point I'm trying to make here, in my little ramble, is this..
Yes, it's easy to believe there is a God.
However, it isn't easy to follow the path,
The path of righteousness that we are suppose to.
In fact, it would be so much easier if I was just blind,
If I didn't see Gods truth, His perfect will, His righteousness.
It's hard to live how we are suppose to live,
we are suppose to be of Christ,
Martyrs for the truth, for the righteousness and faith we know is real.
The simple fact is, we are suppose to be living
the example Christ set for everyone while he was on earth.
Paul says we are suppose to be a slave of righteousness.
Now, does this mean we never screw up?
Does this mean we never sin?
of course not! I know I say this a lot...but here we go again:
Jesus Christ died for every sin we ever, and will ever do.
Jesus Christ, being the son of the most High, is the only one
in a human body to never have sinned.
However, just because, while we are in this form,
we will never be free from sin.
Just because Christ died for every sin we would ever do.
doesn't mean we can just do whatever we want.

What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law
but under grace? By no means! don't you know that
when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him
as slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey.
Wether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death,
to obedience, which leads to righteousness?
But thanks be to God that, though you
used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed
the form of teaching to which you entrusted.
You have been set free from sin,
and have become slaves to righteousness.
I put this in human terms because you are weak
in your natural selves...
Just as you used to offer your parts of your body
in slavery to impurity and to ever increasing wickedness, so
now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.
When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of
righteousness. What benefit did you reap at that time
from the things you are now ashamed of?
those things result in DEATH! but now that you have been set free
from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads
to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
For the wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:15-23

The New Testament, it's just so straight across, and simple to understand.
We can see how much wisdom, from God, Paul had here.
Because we are saved from our sins by Jesus Christ,
does not at all mean we ignore the law(the old testament laws).
The Law was not good enough by itself.
We were to consumed by our flesh,
we could not be trusted to follow the law,
simply because we are sinners. So Christ was sent as an example,
of course, not only showing us how we should live, but sacrificing himself
for our human nature(sin).

All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written:
"Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written
in the book of the Law."
Clearly no one is justified before God by the law,
because, "The righteous will live by faith"
The law is not based on faith; on the contrary,
"The man who does these things will live by them."
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law
by becoming a curse for us.
Galatians 3:10-13

The role of the law is to lead us to Christ. We are not saved by it,
we are saved by Jesus Christ.
We are to strive to be the kind of people God wants us to be.
We are to be faithful servants, to love everyone equal,
as he did, by dying for EVERYONES sins. We can not "work" our way into Gods grace, into eternal life. There is only one way to salvation and eternal life and that is through Jesus Christ, who saved us from our sins. We are to stand up for not only
our God, but for his morals, and for what is right.
How do we know what is right?
and what is wrong? well you know what is right, and what is wrong,
by the laws that were given to us through-out the Old Testament.

We are living in a time, where this world wants nothing
absolutely nothing, to do with morals.
We are living in a time of selfishness,
and doing "what feels right to us"
Doing what is "good for us, and our needs". We don't want to follow
what God wants for our lives. We are the outsiders folks,
In this politicly correct nation, we are told to "tolerate"
to live and let live, to keep our mouth shut.
Judge not unless ye be judged right? that is being used against us!
as a form of "political correctness".

Do you think Jesus would just stand there,
and keep his mouth shut, in our world today?
Do you think, with what is going on with Gay marriage,
Jesus would say: "Aw well, I believe it's wrong, but live and let live."
I think not! in fact I KNOW not!
Jesus flipped out over the money changers selling doves in the temple,
did he not?
Jesus would stand up, as we are suppose to, he would say
"This is wrong, man is not to lay with man, nor woman with woman"
Judge not unless ye be judged is correct, but that by far doesn't
mean we are to keep silent, and not stand up for what is right!
we are to have a voice, we are to set an example for everyone.
We are to be the speakers for Jesus Christ,
be those vessels God can speak his truth through.
We are told to shut up, and just live and let live,
We are told we are in the wrong. Let me asure you,
standing up for God, and his morals, is not WRONG!
It is wrong not to. We all one day will stand before our creator,
and I know I don't want him asking me
"Zac, how come you didn't defend me? how come you let them defile my word and command?"
Just take a look at this video, and what James White has to say about Sean Penn.
Penn seems to think that we should be ashamed of ourselves...YES
Ashamed for standing up for the word of God.

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